“The two-story brick building was constructed in 1976 but was significantly altered after 1949 (unknown specific dates) with several storefronts in the Moderne Style. The upper portions of the buildings has [sic] been stuccoed wth [sic] a continuous band across the top of the window frames. The three storefronts on the F St. side are faced with ‘Lustron’-type metal and clip panels, all angled (zig-zag) aluminum frame/glass entries with a cantilevered metal flat awning with blade signs painted over. The storefronts are primarily intact. Entry to the upper floor is original. From a period photo it appears that the building was constructed as a hotel. From the alley side the original materials may be seen including a ghost sign “Greyhound Hotel and Apts”. Overall the building retains mid-century storefronts with a high level of integrity.”
-Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Primary Record, City of Eureka Downtown Core Area Reconnaissance Survey for the Recent Past, 2004